SEMINAR - MICROCARD2: Numerical modeling of cardiac electrophysiology at the cellular scale
16th December 2024

Simone Pezzuto - University of Trento
Cardiac function relies on a complex electric system, whose disorders rank among the most common causes of death and disease worldwide. While numerical models of cardiac electrophysiology are well-established and widely applied, accurately capturing the behaviour of aging and diseased hearts requires moving beyond continuum-based approaches to models that represent individual cells and their interconnections. This shift significantly increases the complexity of the problem—making it four orders of magnitude larger—and necessitates the use of exascale computing. In this talk I will introduce the MICROCARD2 project, a EuroHPC Centre of Excellence dedicated to overcoming these challenges. I will review the state-of-the-art models in cardiac electrophysiology, the bidomain model, and how this can be extended to include the subcellular scale. I will discuss some preliminary results and the development directions of the project, with a focus on the activities of the unit in Trento.
Contact person: Laboratory of Mathematics for Biology And Medicine Research Group.
Seminar Room 1 - Povo0, Via Sommarive 14, Trento