EPIMAT Seminar - Mathematical modelling of infectious diseases: an introduction and two snapshots

18th February 2025 14:00 CET
EPIMAT Seminar - Mathematical modelling of infectious diseases: an introduction and two snapshots


Tom Britton, Stockholm University, Sweden


In the talk I will first give some basics for infectious disease modelling and then briefly describe two specific research problems, one theoretical and one more hands on. a) How to optimally allocate preventions in time and magnitude in order to minimize the number of infected?, and b) How many lives were saved by the vaccine the first year of vaccination (2021)? Time permitting I will briefly describe a third problem.

Contact person: Laboratory of Mathematics for Biology And Medicine Research Group (Andrea Pugliese, Cinzia Soresina).



room A108 - Povo1, Via Sommarive 5, Trento