Bianca Maria Laudenzi

Short CV
In December 2022 I obtained my Master Degree in Mathematics with specific track “Modeling and Simulation for Biomedical Application” at the University of Trento. For my Master thesis project I did an internship at the Pennsylvania State University during which I worked on the analysis and the numerical treatment of a 1D co-axial model for computing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow within cerebral perivascular spaces (PVS) coupled to the blood flow dynamics of vessels. In February 2023 I won a research assistant position at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Trento; during this time I had been collaborating on a project for the in-silico design of wearable- and computational model-driven digital twins for the monitoring of patients with cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory pathologies. From November 2023 I am the holder of a PhD scholarship at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Trento.
Research Interests
My main research interests include: reduced order 1D and 0D models for the blood flow dynamics of the cardiovascular system; explore the use of complex cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory models to simulate physiological and pathological scenarios; model and study the interaction between vascular and PVS flow dynamics, defining appropriate strategies to perform efficient simulations in different network configurations of multiple vessel-PVS domains.